Wireless Communication between PIC Micro-controller & Android Phone

This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller.
This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller. 


1. PIC 16F877A
2. Bluetooth HC-05 Module
3. Alphanumeric LCD 16x2
4. Resistors
5. 4 MHz Crystal Oscillator
6. Capacitors

Serial Communication

Serial communication is a type of communication in which one bit is sent over channel at a time. There are two types of serial communication.

1. Synchronous Communication
2. Asynchronous Communication


In synchronous communication, the information is transmitted to the receiver in sequence bit after bit having same baud rate of transmitter and receiver. Both transmitter and receiver are synchronized with each other. The clock rate is to be transmitted along the information. It is faster than asynchronous communication. This type of serial communication is mostly used to interface PC with telephony networks.


In asynchronous communication, clock rate is not transmitted along the information from the transmitter to the receiver. It is used to send series of bytes. It usually requires start and stop bits which increases the overhead and byte timing. In such type of communication, parity bit is used to check the information validation whether the information is received correctly or not at the receiver end.

PIC16F877A Serial Ports

PIC 16F877A has got the feature of serial communication. For this purpose, two pins are available for transmitting and receiving the data.RC5 (Pin 25) is used for transmitting the data from PIC to the other connected device while RC6 (Pin 26) is used for receiving the data from the other connected device and displaying both transmit and received data on 16x2 alphanumeric LCD.

This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller.
PIC16F877A Serial Ports

HC-05 Bluetooth Module

HC-05 is a Bluetooth serial port protocol module used for transparent wireless serial communication. It's default baud rate is 38400 but supports baud rates like 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800. It auto connects to the last device when it is powered on. The default pin code is '0000'. It is integrated with antenna and edge connector. In order to interface HC-05 Bluetooth module with PIC16F877A, the transmitter pin of PIC16F877A should be connected with the receiver pin of Bluetooth module and the receiver pin of PIC16F877A should be connected with the transmitter pin of Bluetooth module. The android application " Bluetooth Terminal" can be used to do the communication between PIC micro-controller and android application.


This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller.
Virtual Terminal As A Transmitter Side


This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller.
Data Transmission From "Bluetooth Terminal" Android Application

This project is all about the serial wireless communication between PIC micro-controller mainly 16F877A and android phone application. It involves all the basic steps for performing the serial communication between PIC’s like how to get enable the inside programmed feature of the PIC micro-controllers in order to achieve the desired outcome. HC-05 Bluetooth module is used as a source of external agent which gets connect with android application named as Bluetooth Terminal to receive the data from the user and display it on the 16x2 Alpha Numeric LCD which is interfaced with the PIC micro-controller.
Data Received by PIC Microcontroller through HC-05 Bluetooth Module
